Recordações da Casa Amarela - Recollections of the Yellow House - 1989 - João César Monteiro

João César Monteiro

Lisbon, 1989: A small man of middle age lives in the bedroom of a cheap pension and family in the old city and river. Plagued by illness, and for events of various kinds, idiot, that feeds on Schubert, and perhaps a vague cinephilia resistance as a form of misery, is put on the street, after failed attempt against the modesty of the daughter of landlady.

Alone and deprived of any resources, is confronted with the harshness of urban space, and is admitted to a hospice, where the decision to leave by weighted free man, to fulfill a mission "rich and strange" which is indicated by a old friend, as he mentally ill, "Go and give them work."

And here for us to laugh to laugh, some have given ...

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